Entry By : Eric & Val
Country: Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Subject: Our New Home
Date: October 17 , 2005

We've moved into our somewhat permanent home for the time we'll be here. We say somewhat because we have to move out for a few days next week since the house was already reserved by someone else. We plan to make the best of it and fly off to another island called Aitutaki. It's much smaller and quieter than Rarotonga.

Tomorrow is Eric's first day of diving on the island. Yes, we have been here a week and he hasn't been under water yet! Getting transportation and housing has been a bit of a priority, and with the banking issue, we thought it best to get things more settled first.

Val is teaching herself to spin Poi. For those of you who don't know what this is, check out this photo. Apparently Poi was begun in New Zealand by the Maori women and is common throughout Polynesia. She's only been doing it for a few days and is making petty good progress. [Aside by Val: Eric is much too kind in his characterisation of my Poi spinning. To be honest, if you were watching you would be falling on the ground belly laughing at the 'oofs' and 'ows' as I smack myself with these little spinning bags of death! I will prevail. I have great dreams that I'll actually get to spin in the Midnite Shebang at Horning's Hideout in '07. In the meantime, watch out, I'm fairly dangerous at the moment.]

Happy trails,

Eric & Val



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